Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Hey Readers!
Double A here. we are currently in LA! AHHHHHH! it is ah-mazingg! as you can tell from the title we have been super busy with YMI jeans. our ads should air next year! we totally miss our bfs but of course we stay in close contact with them (video chats, facebook, etc.) there are tons of hotties here but we are totally loyal to our boys. we have met so many people! today we saw brody jenner at breakfast! and zac efron is staying in our hotel! we are seriously considering moving here. sorry this is another short post but we have to go meet with our agents.
ta ta for now,
Double A xoxo

Monday, July 28, 2008


Hey readers!
Double A here. GUESS WHAT?! we are going to Los Angeles! Can you say shopping spree?! i know EHMAGAWD! we are super excited except we are upset that we have to leave our bfs behind...bummer. but it is so worth itt! LOOK OUT LOS ANGELES there are new divas in town! look for our faces on billboards cause we were hired by a modeling agency to be the new spokespeople for YMI jeans! hopefully this leads to success for our singing careers as well. wish us luck! sorry this was a short one but we just wanted to keep you updated! loveyou guys!
Tata for now,
Ava and Amerie xoxo

Friday, July 25, 2008


Dear readers,
okay so we have some MAJOR NEWS. we are no longer Triple A! i mean i guess we will always be known as triple a...but technically we arent. i know you are wondering why...drum roll please! aurora is no longer our friend. she totally hit on ava's crush which we all know is unacceptable. BITCH PLEASE. this guy was so nawt into her but excuses. its the girl code of conduct. so anyway to make a long story short, she was kicked out of triple a. but no worries! amerie and ava are still here and ready to give a full report. lets start out with this guy we were talking about before. his name is lucas matthews and he is so totally dreamy. blonde hair, blue eyes-he is totally a clone of alex pettyfer. so last week he hit up ava to go on a double date with one of his friends and she would bring one of hers. so obvi ava brought me, amerie :). anyway he showed up with a hottie named carson anderson. you can tell by the name alone that he was gawd-like. so no surprise...amerie totally crushed on him. and like any male with common sense...he crushed back. so from there we went on a couple of other dates and just as expected they asked us out. we said we are officially not single anymore! they are two lucky guys. speaking of carson and lucas we are gonna be late (fashionably late-always) for a date with them. so we will talk to you later readers! ta ta for now,
ava and amerie (double a)

Friday, January 11, 2008


Hey People!
currently we are picture taking and creating this blog. sorry, we haven't introduced ourselves, our names are Ava, Amerie, and Aurora...yeah that's right triple A...we get that nickname a lot. except we don't really like it because its a car place, and the only cars we like are cute convertibles. let us tell you more about us.
Hey! I'm Amerie (the attractive one) I have curly reddish brown hair and I'm super slim. anyways, i have blue eyes, freckles and i love to shop! I'm an aspiring fashion designer and my obsession is purses. Hey! I'm Ava (the sexy one) i have bleach blond hair, a gorgeous tan and have a rockin body! i have blue eyes that sparkle (that's right). My secret obsession is boots (not ugly ones but sexy cat walk-y ones). Hi there, I'm Aurora (the hott one) i have black hair and my curves make all the boys turn. i have blue eyes and am obsessed with small dogs (i know, weird right but they are sooo cute!)
together we make an awesome trio, we recently started a band (ideas for names please!) and we totally rock! Ava and Amerie are the singers and Aurora is our manager. we are planning on releasing our new CD A.S.A.P. but we're still in the process of recording.
well we have to go continue our photo shoot, xoxo
Tata for now,
Triple A (charge it)